About My Book Buddy
My book buddy turns 5 October 1st. He is one of my five nephews, who I see quite often. He is in his second year of preschool in Shrewsbury. He loves to play with his other boy cousins. He has an almost 1 year old little sister. He lives with his mom who is an ear specialist and his dad who is a firefighter, and a construction worker. He is exposed to books at home and school. He has a great amount of books at his home, which he reads before bed with his mom, dad, or babysitter. He loves to draw with markers and crayons. Right now he can recognize most of his letter, as well as write them. He can write his name perfectly! I think that my challenge that I will face with the book buddy is grabbing his attention for an hour.. he's a boy on the move! I will have to find ways to grasp his attention, to complete the task!