
session 7

This weeks session took place at my book buddies house. I think this week went very well and we both loved the book I picked. We read Happy Hat Day by Gerald Hawksley. I brought along with me materials to make a hat, rhyming words, initial sound activity, finger point activity. All my materials were very successful, and worked well.   To start Jack loves arts and crafts so I knew he would enjoy making his own hat. He told me that he wanted to make his hat like the Cat in the Hats. He cut out four strips of paper and typed them all together. It was awesome! I brought along stickers and other things for him to put on his hat, but he liked it the way it was. For the writing activity I had him write about his hat. He wrote “My hat is pink blou and gra”. Next was the rhyming words. This was a little hard for Jack since I just did the printed word, rather than word and picture. We went through all the words together and Jack found each rhyming word match. I think it would have w...

session 5

This week book buddy session took place at my book buddies house. We read the book Cat In The Hat by Dr. Seuss. Jack loved this story he has a huge collection of Dr. Seuss books. He is very familiar with this book so he followed along with me. I was worried that the book was a little lengthy for Jack, but because he was familiar with it he read along and helped me. I brought along with me this week my comprehension activity, PASS assessment, and my phonological awareness activity. The materials I brought with me were all successful. I did the You read to me activity again because he seems to enjoy this. He usually picks stories that he has memorized to read to me. I also think the PASS assessment went well, I was a little nervous at first because he usually gets nervous when he sees me writing things down. I did an example for him, but he still was a little confused. I helped him with the first one, but he did the rest on his own. He did awesome, one thing I noticed was he could not...

session 6

This week took place at my book buddies house, when he was done with school. I was worried that this week's activities were going to be a little bit challenging for my book buddy. But in the end he seemed fine and we worked together through it. This week we read Pete The Cat Construction Destruction. My book buddy loves Pete the Cat stories so I knew he would enjoy this week's session. All the materials I brought worked out awesome, they were all successful. For the comprehension activity Jack made his own playground out of cut out pieces of playground equipment. He loved this, and started gluing right away. He only did a little planning before the glue but the pieces were kind of scattered around the paper. I forgot to take a picture of this but you can see some parts of it in other pictures that I took. The writing assessment also went with this activity. On the back I had Jack write a sentence on his own. He did awesome, and he only needed a little help. Since Jack shou...

session 4

This week book buddy session took place at his house. At the beginning of the semester I was nervous that my book buddy would not want to do these activities with me. But I have found out that Jack loves to do this with me, he feels special because he gets to “help” me with my homework. This week we read I Wanna Iguana by Karen Kaufman Orloff. This story is about Alex who tries to convince his mom to get an Iguana. Alex and his mom communicate through letters. For my comprehension activity I decided Jack would write a letter to his mom about getting an iguana. We then did a picture sort of reptiles, and then the copy cat activity. Then to end we did the writing activity, which Jack drew a picture of what his iguana would look like. I found all my materials successful and everything worked great. To end Jack read a story to me, he likes doing this. He points to all the pictures and talks about them and kind of makes up a story of his own. This week he read pete the cat - halloween. He ...

session 3

This week book buddy session 3 took place at my book buddies house. I brought with me Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson, materials for comprehension activity, letter assessment, and paper to color on, and crayons. I found all my materials very useful. Bingo did not go as planned, so we ended doing something else for the letter assessment.  Luckily, I brought my bag with a bunch of other materials that had a laminated upper and lower case letter sheet. The bingo game I had planned ended up being a complete mess and was not going well. So I quickly switched and had him tell me the letters on the paper as I pointed to them. Jack did very well with this he got them all right! Jack also wanted to read the book Pete the Cat Play Ball to me for his read to me activity, which we did last week but I let him do it anyways. The comprehension activity went really well! I had a worksheet with all the objects the witch lost, and cut out pictures of everyone that helped find the objects. ...

session 2 book buddy

For session 2 of the book buddy I brought with me, Pete the Cat, Play Ball!, crayons, paper, letter game flash cards, shaving cream, and Tawny Scrawny Lion. This week session took place at his house. This time he seemed excited to do this activity with me, which I was really excited about. I know that my book buddy loves Pete the Cat books, so I knew he would enjoy this lesson. Last time he asked me if could do something with shaving cream ( his class does a lot of activities with shaving cream ) so I thought the letter game would be a perfect activity to do with shaving cream. Like session 1 I did not really find any materials that I brought not successful. They were all used and worked very well for my book buddy. In this Pete the Cat book, Pete seems to miss the ball a lot in his baseball game. But every time he misses he makes it clearly he is still happy. No matter how many times he got out he was still happy, and tired again. I thought this was perfect for my book buddy bec...

Session 1 book buddy

This week session took place at my book buddies house. It was right after he got home from school, so I was a little nervous if he would do it with me. Everything went well, and luckily he wanted to do it with me. I brought along with me a bucket of coloring materials, glue, scissors, Morris The Moose book, my cutout pictures, and the comprehension activity. I know my book buddy really well, and I know he loves art and crafts! So I knew he would be happy when he saw the crayons, and glue. I think everything I brought was pretty successful. Although, I do wish my activity was a bit more artsy because he really enjoys that. I did not find any of these materials not successful, but I think I would do a few things differently if I was to do this lesson again. I would have my book buddy cut out the moose parts that he glue to his cow. Like I said he loves to do art, so he would have enjoyed the cutting. Secondly, if he was to cut the moose parts out it would have taken up a few extra minut...